BERKELEY – The State Department of Transportation is planning on repaving a portion of Route 9 from Longboat Avenue in Beachwood to Jones Road in Lacey.
The work, from milepost 81.8 to 89.62, will stretch through multiple municipalities, including all of the parts of Route 9 that are in Berkeley Township and the borough of Pine Beach.
Jones Road meets Route 9 just north of Lacey Road. It leads to a small neighborhood south of the entrance to the Forked River Game Farm. Longboat is one of several Beachwood streets that connect with Route 9.

The project involves resurfacing the pavement, replacing or improving striping and raised pavement markers, upgrading guide rails, and making intersections compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to paperwork from the DOT. Additionally, sidewalks could be added if “a worn path indicates a community need.”
The local historical societies were notified of the project because the work would be near historically sensitive areas, such as the Good Luck Farm, Bayville dinosaur, or the Renault wine bottle. Most of them would be unaffected by the improvements. New sidewalks are planned for the Woodmansee Estate Historic District, among other spots. ADA improvements are expected on Cutlass Way, Morris Boulevard, Sloop Creek Road, and Harborage Avenue.
“The project is currently in an early stage of final design,” said Dan Triana, spokesman for the DOT. Therefore, the timeline and cost are still unknown.
The state is expecting to put the project out to bid in late 2017, with work to start in early 2018, he said.

The work is not expected to change the traffic patterns of Route 9, he said.
Mayors of towns along Route 9 have been pushing for widening or reconfiguring Route 9 so traffic can move more smoothly and safely.
Berkeley Mayor Carmen Amato said he welcomed the repaving, in the hopes that it will make a better ride for residents and the business community. It’s a small step in the right direction, but Route 9 still needs a lot more work before all of the community’s needs are addressed.
“They’ve been a good partner with us,” Lacey Mayor Peter Curatolo said, but he hadn’t heard of this particular project when interviewed about it recently.
“We would be notified if they are going to break ground, not necessarily if they are going to fix potholes,” he said.
He had hoped the work wouldn’t be done during the busy summer months, he said.