BERKELEY – Mayor Carmen F. Amato, Jr., is pleased to announce that he will continue his evening office hours. Mayor Amato’s evening office hours are in addition to his
“Meet the Mayor” and “Town Hall” programs, which will also continue in 2017.
“My next two scheduled public evening office hours will be held Monday, January 23rd and Monday, February 13th at Berkeley Town Hall from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Elected officials have an obligation to be as accessible as possible to our constituents. During my time in office, I have held countless “Meet the Mayor” and “Town Hall” meetings, regularly meet with constituents outside of regular business hours, and have created additional avenues for residents to contact local government.” Mayor Amato said.
“Our Hot Line gives residents one-stop access to Township government, enabling the township to more effectively and efficiently respond to resident’s suggestions, concerns or complaints. The Hot Line number is 732-244-7400 Extension 203, and is available 24 hours a day.” Mayor Amato said.
Residents can also email the Mayor directly at: mayor@twp.berkeley.nj.us.
“In addition to the “Hot Line” and my email, residents are encouraged to visit berkeleytownship.org and click next to the Mayor’s message to provide suggestions or feedback online, with most residents receiving follow-up the next business day.” Mayor Amato said.
Our Township of Berkeley Facebook Page is new, and is constantly updated with information, and news on the Township.
If you haven’t signed up for our Nixle system, please visit our web site to register to receive important emails and text messages.
“I look forward to continuing my dialog and outreach to residents in 2017.” Mayor Amato said.