BEACHWOOD – A year after the fireworks company failed to put on a show, Beachwood officials said that everything is in readiness for this year’s July 4th Fireworks on the Toms River.
Last year, the fireworks vendor, Fireworks Extravaganza, was not able to ship the fireworks. They did not have staff available with licenses to transport explosives. They later said they had a problem with a driver, and did not have a good Plan B.
It would have been the 78th year that the fireworks would be held.
Fireworks Extravaganza, of New Rochelle, was scheduled to put on shows at several other venues on the same day. They were not able to get to Beachwood and Milltown.
This year will be different, Councilman Gerald LaCrosse said. “They have guaranteed a special driver, a special truck, and to be on location on time.”
Although local officials are heavily involved in the planning of the fireworks, it’s not paid for by tax dollars. Rather, it relies on donations.
“After last year’s unfortunate circumstance I was able to negotiate a free show from Fireworks Extravaganza,” Mayor Ron Roma said. “We still need donations as they are used year after year to continue the shows as well as for providing refreshments for our emergency services personnel and their families while they are working the event.”
“Any amount is certainly welcome and appreciated,” LaCrosse said. “It means so much to the thousands of people who come out.”
In fact, if every family just gave a few dollars, it would pay for itself.
Checks can be made out to Beachwood Fireworks, and mailed to the municipal building at 1600 Pinewald Road, Beachwood, NJ 08722.