BERKELEY – The call is going out once again – over the airwaves and in this newspaper – asking people to help our neighbors in need.
Share The Joy, 100.1 WJRZ’s annual donation drive, will once again help Fulfill, Jersey Shore Animal Center and Big Brothers, Big Sisters. They will be broadcasting live from the parking lot of the ShopRite at 860 Fischer Boulevard in Toms River. They will be there on Friday, November 22 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. and on Saturday, November 23, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.
They will be looking to fill a Pepsi truck with donations. They are looking for:
- Non-perishable food items and frozen turkeys for Fulfill Monmouth and Ocean’s Toms River Pantry
- Dog and cat food, pet accessories and toys for the Jersey Shore Animal Center
- Gift cards, Lego sets, board games, and arts and crafts for ages 6-18 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Coastal New Jersey
- Monetary donations to benefit all three organizations.
Every year, people come to help out. They hear the call to action on their daily commute and stop in to help. Some regular donors are already collecting items.
One of them is Robyn Griffith, who often recruits helpers to drive a truckload or more of groceries and pet supplies every year.
She has already taken in bags of groceries from Boy Scout Troop #83’s Scouting For Food drive. This troop always steps up to help those less fortunate.
Griffith said that donations are way lower at this time than they have been in previous years. She will be accepting donations until Friday, November 22, at 222 Anchor Avenue in Beachwood.
She asked that people can contact her if they are interested in helping. If sending an email, write “Share the Joy” in the subject line so she knows it’s not junk mail. She can be reached at 848-333-7318 or rnofgnt@yahoo.com.