BAYVILLE – Central Regional PTA is hosting a community Dodge Ball Tournament on March 10.
Teams consist of high school and middle school students, faculty and staff, alumni and members of community organizations within the district.

There is a $30 entry fee for a team of six players.
Prizes will be awarded to the two top winning teams and for team costume creativity and themes.
Entry forms and fees are to be submitted to the CRPTA at school offices in the CR Middle School and the CR High School.
The deadline for entry with a photo and bio is February 10. Late registration without photo and bio is March 3.
The CRPTA Dodge Ball Tournament is a fundraiser that supports students in the form of scholarships, library materials and special needs summer programs.
Additionally, the CRPTA will provide a program ad journal. Teams may submit a team photo and bio of up to 50 words by email to crpta@comcast.net by February 10. Boosters and ad prices are listed on a separate order sheet that can be submitted with payment by that date.
Come watch the excitement and cheer on the teams. General Admission tickets are $5 at the door. The event takes place in the Central Regional High School Gym on Forest Hills Parkway.
For more information, contact Allison Kobus, PTA president at crpta@comcast.net.