OCEAN COUNTY – You might have already heard it on the radio – people are hoping to Share the Joy by giving what they can to those less fortunate.
WJRZ (100.1) is again looking to fill a Pepsi truck with donations. They’ll be broadcasting live from the ShopRite at 860 Fischer Boulevard in Toms River from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on November 18 and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on November 19. During this time, they’ll be actively collecting and packing away food and supplies that will then be sorted and given to those in need. The groups they’ve partnered with include:
Fulfill, formerly the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean, which is looking for non-perishable food items and frozen turkeys.
The Jersey Shore Animal Center, which is looking for dog and cat food, pet toys, and blankets.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Coastal NJ, which is looking for gift cards, board games, Lego sets, and arts and crafts kits.
All three groups could also use monetary donations.
The drive has been going on for about two decades. At last year’s drive, the 50-foot truck, lent to them by Pepsi, was wall-to-wall with packages, showing the generosity of people in the area.

Just as in previous years, a local resident is spearheading donations in her own neck of the woods. Robyn Griffith was instrumental in collecting for this event in past years, using her home as a drop-off point before bringing everything over to the ShopRite. She noted that items needed include:
- Cereal
- Hot cereals (whole grain)
- Canned vegetables (low sodium)
- Canned meals/tuna/salmon/spaghetti/ravioli/chicken
- Canned fruit (in juice or light syrup)
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Cooking oils
- Pancake mix
- Syrup
- Diapers
- Hygiene items
- Fruit juice (100% juice)
- Bottled water
- Manual can openers
She asked that people can contact her if they are interested in helping. If sending an email, write “Share the Joy” in the subject line so she knows it’s not junk mail. She can be reached at 848-333-7318, rnofgnt@yahoo.com, 222 Anchor Avenue, Beachwood, NJ 08722.