MANCHESTER – Road safety was an issue discussed during the Township Council’s last meeting.
Police Chief Antonio Ellis offered some positive news toward a municipal/county/state effort to address conditions at the intersection at Route 571 and Route 70. “At a previous council meeting we had talked about traffic concerns in sections of 571 and 70. I did receive a letter dated September 3 to me from (State) Highway Safety. They had received and acknowledged our letter to them and they were pleased to announce that they will be initiating some work orders on behalf of the department to work on signs and install reflective borders and some traffic signals.”
“They are asking for a resolution for the improvements for the traffic signal. Typically, what we do is put a resolution out to them with a letter from council. There is some cost sharing in that, approximately $300,000 to improve the signals. The mayor is in support of us doing that to help the residents as we identified that as a problem area in town as far as traffic crashes and fatalities.”
Councilwoman Michele Zolezi urged drivers to be vigilant noting that schools were “back in session so there are kids at bus stops and people walking to and from so let’s be cognizant of that. Be aware of your speed and your surroundings.”
“With school in session football games have started and other sports teams. Any opportunity to be supportive of them I recommend you do so. The football team has been working with our seniors with IT issues and I found that so refreshing and wonderful what they are doing over there (at senior communities within the township).”

Community Health And Safety
Councilman Joseph Hankins said he attended a recent ribbon cutting for food pantry located near a deli next to the township’s Leisure Village West community.
Council Vice President James Vaccaro stated during the meeting that he had attended the September 4 Public Safety Appreciation Day event that recognized “our township public safety staff for their dedication and remarkable hard work and all they continue to do for this township.”
He urged residents to be mindful of a slight uptick in Covid-19 cases and reports in the news about cases of West Nile virus. “I hope everyone will take appropriate action to protect yourselves.”
He also encouraged residents to shop locally. “Shopping locally really supports the township plus our residents and it encourages businesses to relocate or locate in Manchester Township.”
The official regularly notes during his council report that the township motto that “Manchester Township is the gemstone of the Jersey Shore and in my opinion the best place to live in Ocean County. We are affordable, rural in nature and my pledge to you is that we remain as such.”
Vaccaro once again asked the administration to contact energy consultants in regards to restarting the aggregation program “since everyone is experiencing increases in their electric bills.” He also requested an update to the township’s 10-year energy plan in the township that “encompasses the uses of alternative sources of renewable energy of geo-thermal and more extensive use and application of solar energy.”
He thanked the administration for installation of two EV charging stations “which are located here in the Recreation Department.” Vaccaro also recommended a feasibility study concerning the installation of solar car ports “over all our municipal parking lots that would generate energy savings for the township.”