TOMS RIVER – Toms River resident John Cusmano has always helped people in his community, including his son’s Boy Scout activities as a troop leader.
Now, John needs the community’s help as he needs a kidney hero with A or O blood type.
Currently, John is a patient of the Flood Sisters Kidney Foundation. Based in Chappaqua, NY, the Foundation started after three sisters, Jennifer, Cynthia and Heather Flood saved their father’s life from kidney disease by finding him a living kidney donor via Craigslist.
The organization matches those in need of a kidney with potential donors, providing coordination and support every step of the way. The goal of Flood Sisters Kidney Foundation is to find living donors for people, therefore bypassing the national waiting list and dialysis. They also use social media outreach and media to raise awareness for their program and patients in need.
Last month, the Foundation celebrated its 15th successful transplant, bringing the donor and recipient together from across the country.
In addition, they worked with Jon Bon Jovi after finding a match for his former attorney. Jon performed a concert for the foundation in 2018, the Foundation said.
The foundation is raising awareness for John Cusmano’s need. To learn more about donating a kidney and the Flood Sisters Kidney Foundation, visit floodsisterskidneyfnd.org or contact the organization by phone at 646-715-8976 or via email at info@floodsisterskidneyfnd.org.