Liver Transplant Saved This Local Man’s Life

Resident Ron Walsh of Middletown helps highlight the positive impact or organ donation and transplantation. (Photo courtesy of NJ Sharing Network)

  MIDDLETOWN – A Monmouth County man is living each day to its fullest after years of health issues and receiving a gift that saved his life.

  Ron Walsh of Middletown is a former Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps and a retired executive from PSE&G. He’s overcome many critical health issues and now enjoys all that life has to offer.

  “I get up every morning feeling strong, thanking God for yet another day to enjoy my family and friends,” Walsh said. “Each day is a blessing and a new chance to enjoy life thanks to my organ donor hero and the miracle of a liver transplant. I owe my donor and my family so much. I don’t want to let any of them down.”

  Walsh was first diagnosed with diabetes about 25 years ago. Although he went through advanced treatments, his health condition worsened over the years. A biopsy then revealed that he had developed cirrhosis of the liver.

  “At the time, I was devastated,” Walsh said.

  In 2019, Walsh discovered he had a cancerous tumor on his liver. Doctors were able to temporarily remove cancer concerns, but his health continued to worsen.

  “In 2020, I began to get confused, I had slurred speech, and I was basically unable to function. My liver was failing,” Walsh said.

  He was recommended to be placed on the list for a liver transplant, however he was hesitant.

  “I remember that I initially went ballistic,” Walsh said. “I never had major surgery in my life, and I was downright scared. I am glad that I ultimately followed their advice.”

  In the summer of 2021, Walsh received six calls for a possible liver transplant, but none of them followed through and worked out. 

  “I was devastated, and I started to lose hope. If not for the never-ending support of my wife Jean, I might have thrown in the towel.” he said.

  Little did he know that the seventh phone call would be the miracle he was hoping for. On August 23, 2021, Walsh received a call officially scheduling his transplant surgery.

  “Right before surgery, I remember whispering to the doctor, ‘please reach down and do your very best. My wife and I have planned for a long life together,’” he recalled.

  The liver transplant was a success and Walsh was able to leave the hospital after six days, beginning his road to recovery completely cancer free.

  Fast forward five months post-transplant, Walsh is feeling great and spending as much time as possible with his wife Jean, their three sons and their six grandchildren.

  He expressed how he’s forever grateful of his organ donor who gave him the gift of life.

  “My donor lives on in me. I honor her memory every day by finding ways to help others,” he said.

  For many years, Walsh has volunteered to work with veterans to educate them on health issues. He’s a supporter of NJ Sharing Network and shares his personal story in order to raise awareness of organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

   “I tell everyone that the easiest way to become a superhero is with the click of a mouse by registering as an organ and tissue donor,” Walsh said. “You can save a mom, dad, brother, sister, cousin, grandparent – anyone.”

   According to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), nearly 4,000 New Jersey residents are waiting for a life-saving transplant. Just one organ and tissue donor can save eight lives and enhance the lives of over 75 people.

  Last year, 233 generous individuals in New Jersey gave the gift of life which is an all-time high for a single year, according to NJ Sharing Network. In addition, 42,112 eye and tissue donations healed and enhanced the quality of life for those in need.