Jackson Hires PR Firm

Photo by Bob Vosseller

  JACKSON – Seeing the way Jackson is being portrayed, the Township Council hired a public relations firm.

  “I commend both the mayor and BA (Business Administrator Terence Wall) for moving on the hiring of a public relations firm for the town. Last year the Council had asked for and approved in a session, a budget for a PR firm,” Councilman Alex Sauickie said.

  “For too many years this town has been the victim of propaganda for what I call factual inaccuracies against the town. It has been painted in a negative light way too many times and has suffered as a result. Even our Wiki page on the internet is highly inaccurate and is written in a way that is disparaging to the town,” Sauickie added.

  He noted that with the hiring of a PR firm “we can actually rebut some of that and provide at least a counterpoint to some of that which is a great move.”

  The Council approved a resolution hiring Steve – Brand and Strategic Communication, LLC. The firm ’s website lists endorsements by the former chief executive officers of Johnson & Johnson and Avon.

  Wall told The Jackson Times, the firm’s founder Steve Dnistrian, “has an extensive background with J&J and Omicron in the communications field. He’s out of Colts Neck.”

Rova Farms Advisory Council

  In reference to another resolution, Councilman Steven Chisholm said he was, “excited about our moving forward with our Rova Farms Advisory Council. We are looking forward to seeing some action happen there and am looking forward to working with some of our residents to make an opportunity for a park.”

  The resolution listed those chosen to serve on the advisory group which will examine ways the Rova Farms open space property can be utilized by the public.