Jackson Recreation Programs Celebrated

Members of the Jackson Football and Cheer Team gather with the governing body following an award ceremony during a meeting of the Township Council. (Photo courtesy Jackson Township)

  JACKSON – Officials opened a recent Township Council meeting with an award presentation to members of the Jackson Youth Football & Cheerleaders.

  The crimson clad cheerleaders of that organization once again received a high honor during a recent competition. Mayor Michael Reina presented award certificates to the members of the group. “It is my pleasure to introduce each one of these young ladies for their wonderful, outstanding accomplishments.

  “Jackson Township is proud of each and every one of you. Keep up the great work and God bless you all,” the mayor added.

  Mayor Reina added, “congratulation’s ladies on a job well done in representing Jackson and making all of Jackson proud as usual. Our sports programs we have here are just phenomenal. That is the only word I can use.”

  “Congratulations to the Jackson Youth Football & Cheerleaders on their achievements and team work. The town is most definitely proud of you as the mayor has stated,” Councilman Nino Borrelli said.

  Councilman Steven Chisholm added, “congratulations again to the Jackson Youth Football & Cheerleaders on their accomplishments.”

  “They make everyone in Jackson proud and they are just another example of what is great about Jackson,” Councilman Alex Sauickie added.

  Council Vice President Andrew Kern said, “they are once again national champions and during Alex and my first year on council they had two national championship teams as well and it is great to see how great a program they have over there.”

  According to the Jackson Youth Football and Cheer Facebook page “our D14 National Champion Cheerleaders were honored and received the mayor’s proclamation in gratitude for their effort and for the pride they bring to Jackson!”

  “It was a great evening and we thank the township for recognizing these special ladies for a job well done,” the post added. For information about the organization visit jacksonjaguars.org or call 908-472-4115.

Going Green

  Councilman Borrelli brought up an ordinance on second reading that finalized the formation of a Going Green Committee. He said the proposed committee’s purpose would be “looking for ways through grants and other possible means to save our town money and protect our environment in Jackson.”

  “We’re going to need residents to serve on this committee who live in our town, serve on various boards and commissions and work for our town. I encourage you to fill out a citizen leadership form and joining this committee which are available on the Jackson Township website jacksontwp.net,” he added.

Summer Camp Registration Open

  The councilman announced that registration began for this summer’s summer camp program on March 1. Those parents seeking to register their children K-8 can contact the Recreation Department by calling 732-928-1260 or send an e-mail to ksevcenko@jacksontwp.net The dates for the camp are June 27 to August 12.

Food Trucks Needed

  Councilman Borelli also noted that food trucks were needed for the second Township Food Truck and Fireworks Festival that drew a large crowd last summer. “This year it will be held on Sunday June 26, starting at 4 p.m. in Johnson Park. It was a big hit last year. We are hoping for a great turnout and great weather like last year. The application deadline for food trucks is May 2. For more information call the Recreation Department as well.”