JACKSON – Mayor Michael Reina and the Township Council are seeking residents to serve the community.
They are strongly urging residents who want to volunteer to serve on an advisory Board or Commission to submit a Citizen Leadership Form which can be found on our website at jacksontwpnj.net, under the forms, licenses and permits section.
Those interested will need to complete both pages and be sure to include any background experience you have or your reason for interest.
The mayor noted that the current COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges in the past but “we are ready to move forward and get these boards back on track.”
Those who have questions regarding these boards or commissions, should contact the Mayor’s office by calling 732-928-1200 ext 1211 or email snovak@jacksontwpnj.net. All requests for consideration should be received by December 17.
The following advisory boards and committees currently exist: Veterans Commission, Rent Leveling Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Economic Development Commission, Citizens Budget Advisory Committee, Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, Pathfinders, Environmental Commission, Historical Commission, and the Shade Tree Commission.