BRICK – As part of the $10 million 2021 capital budget, the governing body approved the receipt of bids for roadway improvements in Shore Acres.
Those roads include Vanard Drive, Mathis Drive and Waterway Court. They also approved roadway improvements to Bayview Phase 2, which include Seville Drive, East Granada Drive, and Toledo Drive.
The council also gave a nod to the receipt of bids for Jaywood Manor Road improvements, located in the Herbertsville section of town, and Quail Run off Mantoloking Road.
The council voted to award the bid for Bay Harbor Phase 1 roadway improvements to Meco, Inc. of Clarksburg, in the amount of $384,749.
The scope of the project includes milling, base repair, asphalt paving, ADA compliant ramps, sidewalk repairs, replacing inlet grates and curb pieces, the installation of minor drainage pipe, new curb installations and replacement of existing concrete curb restoration, and other miscellaneous work.
Those roads include Van Courtland Drive, Marilyn Drive, Shea Lane and Aida Way. Bid notices were given to 72 prospective bidders, five bids were received with prices ranging from the awarded low bid to a high bid of $526,660.