JACKSON – A health facility in the township has received high marks from U.S. News recently.
Bartley Healthcare is one of the Best Nursing Homes in New Jersey for 2020-21 according to U.S. News for the second year in a row.
Many factors contribute to this honor such as Bartley Healthcare remaining to be the only nursing facility in Jackson with a 5-star rating.
Several factors are involved in U.S. News taking into consideration a determination of which nursing homes are the “Best.”
U.S. News looks at the rate of substantial complaints, flu and pneumonia vaccines, use of antipsychotic drugs, hospitalizations, amount of pressure ulcers, patient-centered rehab therapy, and many other care related factors.
A representative of Bartley Healthcare said all of their staff are very proud to know that all of their hard work and integrity resulted in such an honorable recognition. Bartley Healthcare prides itself in delivering excellent care and will continue to do so in future years to come.