JACKSON – The governing body recently recognized National Library Appreciation Week and Education and Sharing Day and heard a presentation on behalf of the township school district featuring some welcome news.
Libraries Honored
During a recent township council meeting Councilman Nino Borrelli read a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Michael Reina honoring the Ocean County Library.
“Libraries of all types are at the heart of cities, towns and schools in serving their communities. Libraries are accessible and inclusive places that offer places of belonging in our community and adapt to our changing world and are expanding their resources to meet the needs of their patrons,” the resolution he read stated.
Borrelli added libraries were the cornerstones of democracy providing “the free exchange of information and ideas for all. Libraries extend well beyond the four walls of the building. Libraries provide access to computers and internet hotspots for laptops and provide access to all.”
“Libraries have long served as trusted and treasured institutions for all members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, creative ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or socio-economic status. Libraries offer up new opportunities to explore new worlds,” he added.
“Librarians and library workers and library supporters advocate across the nation to celebrate national library week on April 4-10 in the township of Jackson. We strongly encourage all our residents to visit the Jackson branch of the Ocean County Library and/or use the online resources available,” Borrelli added.
Education and Sharing Day U.S.A. Observed
Mayor Reina read the next proclamation. Each year the United States emphasizes the vital role of education in society, through “Education and Sharing Day U.S.A.” on the anniversary of the birth of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, who dedicated his life to the cause of education.
The mayor said, “a quality education is the foundation for continuing success of our state, our country and our society at large. In the township of Jackson, we strive for the betterment of all our citizens with increased focus on education and sharing.”
“To provide an education for all especially our children with which to gain knowledge with the hope of vigorous study we can create hope for a kinder, brighter and united prosperous future in the lives of so many,” the mayor added. He noted that as a leading global advocate for the advancement of education, Rabbi Schneerson stressed the need for “moral and ethical education as the bedrock of humanity and the hallmark of a healthy society we strongly encourage that education be reinforced in relation to strong moral values.
“Presently we battle the global pandemic which has disrupted the traditional models of education across our nation while concurrently moving the focus on the stronger core values we wish to impart to children and adults beyond academic achievement. Even a single positive act by an individual can make a measured impact in this world,” the mayor added.
Mayor Reina had proclaimed March 24 as this year’s Education and Sharing Day in Jackson Township. Rabbi Shmuel Naparstek of Chabad of Jackson accepted the proclamation.
“This proclamation has become a tradition for three or four years that we have been doing this. What we are commemorating today is that education is something, especially as we’ve seen this year, in the purview of every single person,” Rabbi Naparstek said.
Rabbi Naparstek added, “as educators not only are teachers educators, this year we see our parents are educators and every one of us are educators in our own circle and in our surroundings and the people around us.”
“The message that the Rebbe promoted and is commemorated on this day, is to view ourselves, every one of us as educators who have the ability to influence our surroundings, our friends, our families, our relatives, our neighborhoods, our towns, and ultimately our entire world,” Rabbi Naparstek concluded. He presented a book to Mayor Reina in thanks.