NEW JERSEY – Gov. Phil Murphy will be mandating that masks must be worn outside as well, but said he understands this will be difficult to enforce.
The COVID-19 transmission rate is going up, he said. Due to expanded testing and contact tracing, experts have learned that the rate of infection is slightly higher than 1. What this means is that for every one person who gets the virus, it spreads to at least one other person. This is the first time it has been higher than 1 in weeks.
This is why Murphy said he is issuing an Executive Order to wear masks outside, he said on a television news program. He called it an “early warning sign” that cases could be on the rise. However, he acknowledged that this order will be difficult to enforce and in some cases won’t be necessary.
For example, if you are walking on the boardwalk with your family, you don’t really need the mask. In this example, the only people you are within 6 feet of are people in your household. However, if you are in a situation where you cannot social distance from people outside your household, a mask would be needed.
So, if you are congregating in an area outside, you need to be wearing a mask, he said. Police will be giving at least a warning to people, he said.
“We’ve been through hell in New Jersey. We’ve lost 13,00 people. We don’t want to go through hell again,” he said.
The governor thanked the millions of people who have been following the rules and helping contain the virus but warned all it takes is one selfish person to ruin it for you.
Other protective measures include frequent hand washing and self-quarantining for 14 days if you are coming from a place with an outbreak.