JACKSON – The governor announced that the stay-at-home orders have been rescinded and that some businesses can have people inside, but the reopening of the state is not going quickly enough for Mayor Michael Reina.
“We have to wait for our graduations to take place in July,” he said during a recent Township Council meeting. “Very disappointing governor – sorry – and it is also disappointing that my kids can’t practice on fields in squads. We are finding more about the pandemic, masks and six-foot social distancing. We want to take all our precautions but we want our businesses open fully. Twenty five percent is not enough.
“Our businesses have suffered; our residents have suffered; our school children have suffered; and we are still pussyfooting around while you (Gov. Phil Murphy) are marching with groups of 500 people. Not acceptable the hypocrisy,” the mayor said.
Reina said he’d continue to fight to get businesses open “and I will not impose any penalties or any fees for businesses that are open as the governor suggests.”
Support For Police
Jackson recently had a protest against racism and the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. In other parts of the country, there has been rioting and further police brutality – causing more of a divide between law enforcement and the public.
The criticism of police in general caused the mayor to speak on behalf of the police in Jackson Township.
“Our police department handles situations that you don’t read about every day. They did an outstanding job over the weekend handling a peaceful protest professionally, respectfully and ensuring the safety of not only those participating but the safety of the community,” he said.
Zoom Bomb
At one point during the meeting a flurry of expletives and racial remarks were heard during the Zoom session. Sauickie apologized for the brief and shocking interruption saying, “Obviously people got into the Zoom that shouldn’t have been.” He added that the council would do what it could to pursue finding out who was responsible and Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin said interrupting a public meeting was illegal and could be met with punishment.