LAVALLETTE – Lavallette officials notified the public that their beaches will reopen but, like its neighbors, there are rules.
Currently, people are allowed to go to the beach for exercising, fishing, surfing and sunbathing only. There are no games or other types of organized activities.
On May 22, the boardwalk will be open for walking and jogging, however, bicycles will be prohibited on the boardwalk this summer.
In order to maintain social distancing, people are being encouraged to keep as far right as possible, keeping at least 6 feet apart from people who are not in your household when walking or sitting on benches.
Masks or other face coverings are recommended. People are being urged not to congregate in groups that will block other people from safely passing by more than 6 feet away.
The water fountains will be out of service and the pavilions will be closed.
Animals are prohibited on the beach at all times.
The beach will open on June 20, when lifeguards will be on duty. Beach badges and parking stickers won’t be required until this date.
Badges can only be purchased through order forms available at, in the lobby of Borough Hall, or in the borough calendar. After your order is received, you will be called to arrange for a time to pick up the badges. There will be no direct sales at this time.
However, the capacity of the beach will be monitored to ensure social distancing. Officials retain the right to close portions of the beach, or to limit the number of badge holders or sales if capacity becomes unsafe.