JACKSON – Like nearly all communities in New Jersey which is currently under a State of Emergency issued by Governor Phil Murphy on March 9, Jackson is taking steps to address the emergence of the novel Coronavirus, known as COVID-19.
Mayor Michael Reina said that it was prudent for the public to have a heightened awareness of our surroundings. While we take steps individually to help combat this virus, Jackson Officials have taken immediate actions to protect both Jackson Township employees and our residents.”
The mayor added that “our Department of Public Works has increased sanitizing of all Township operated buildings, as well as public recreational areas including playground equipment. All buildings are equipped with hand sanitizer and are being wiped down regularly with an antibacterial solution.”
“It is necessary and important to take action against this health hazard to protect the health and safety of our employees, residents and visitors. Working together, we can help mitigate the impact this virus may have on our community” Reina said.
“Recently, an executive order was signed by the Governor declaring a State of Emergency for New Jersey. This action was taken to help strengthen the preparedness to contain the spread of COVID-19. This declaration safeguards us from price gouging, procures the expeditious delivery of goods and services necessary for preparedness and response efforts.”
Reina said the State of Emergency status also “empowers all State agencies to take all necessary steps to address this public health hazard.”
Council President Barry Calogero said, “the CDC urges everyone to practice common sense and follow simple tips to prevent contracting, or spreading, this virus. While it is understandable to react out of an abundance of caution, it is also important to respond from a position of knowledge.”
Additional virus information can be found at: Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/summary.html Or New Jersey Department of Health website at state.nj.us/health/cd/topics/ncov.html