BRICK – Over the weekend, locals said goodbye to a Jersey Shore fan favorite: WindMill Hots Dogs closed the doors of their Brick Township location on Sept. 15.
A post by the popular hot dog joint on Sept. 14 read: “It is with great sadness that we announce the closing of the WindMill of Brick, effective this Sunday, September 15. The WindMill has operated in Brick for over 30 years and has taken great pride in serving multiple generations of WindMill fans.”
Despite this closing, WindMill isn’t gone for good. Ocean County residents may just have to travel a little farther to one of their other locations in Belmar, Long Branch, Red Bank, and Asbury Park.
“To each of you, we say thank you for your loyalty and patronage throughout the years. With that being said, it also gives us a chance to get back to our roots, and really put all of our focus on providing the best dining experience at all of our locations,” stated the WindMill staff.