HOWELL – Two teen girls called police after a heavy-set white man smoking a cigarette asked if they wanted “cookies.” (Editor’s note: Scare quotes provided by police in original press release.)
UrbanDictionary.com user nugget410 back in 2009 defined “cookies” as 1. delicious and sugary treats 2. Stuff that your computer stores when it visits certain websites and 3. A codeword [sic] for weed that is used in mixed company. Another definition provided by user Jared M a year earlier refers to a slang sexual reference. The dictionary did not provide any more recent definitions, so it’s unclear if the language has possibly morphed in 11 years, although the first two definitions have remained.
The girls were walking in the Howell Commons shopping plaza Thursday afternoon when the man, driving a beat-up tan/off white sedan, approached.
Police located a vehicle fitting that description–although Howell Police did not say if the driver was a fat white man smoking– in the immediate area. That driver and vehicle were not believed to be the cookie-offering person in question.
The area was canvassed and surveillance video is being analyzed.
Police have no further information to share at this time.
But if anyone from the public has information about this, they can contact Howell Police through Facebook messenger, send an email to trizzo@howellpolice.org, or leave an anonymous tip at P3Tips.com.