TOMS RIVER – Rotem Dental Care is hosting their 14th annual Candy Buy Back program in support of our troops!
Join Rotem Dental Care for a spooktacular two-day event on Nov. 1 and Nov. 2, 12-5 p.m. Rotem will pay $1 per pound of candy up to 10 pounds per family. A $50 gift card awaits the child who brings in the most candy by weight!
And this event isn’t just for families. Teachers that can get their class to bring in candy could earn a $400 donation from Rotem Dental Care! The class that brings in the most candy wins. Any class of a public or private school can participate, so save some treats for our troops!

If you wish to participate, bring your candy to Rotem Dental Care, located at 355 Lakehurst Rd. on Nov. 1 or 2.
For more information, call 732-451-7673.