JACKSON – Despite protests to the contrary, a motorcyclist had his 2004 Harley Davidson impounded without his resulting death after a motor vehicle stop Oct. 9.
Jackson Police officers Alex Crinnian and Ryan Donnelly stopped the 24-year-old male motorcyclist for violations. When the officers informed the man his motorcycle was going to be impounded, he refused to cooperate and remained on the motorcycle, claiming it would be impounded “over his dead body,” police said.
The man reportedly threw a tantrum, throwing his helmet to the ground and screaming over police as they attempted to speak with him.
In the meantime, a 21-year-old female, parked in a separate vehicle but with the motorcyclist, approached the scene. The officers had told her to stay back and not involve herself. She didn’t listen, and was arrested.
The man attempted to run at the officers then. He was arrested too.
The 24-year-old man was charged with obstruction and resisting arrest. He was also ticketed for driving an unregistered vehicle, uninsured vehicle, driving with a suspended license, among other violations.
The 21-year-old female was charged with obstruction.
Both were processed and released, pending court appearances.
Jackson Township Police does not release the names of those arrested.