TOMS RIVER – SUEZ wants to help you water your lawn efficiently during this hot summer season. The company recently announced that they will once again be offering a complimentary lawn watering educational program for customers in Delaware, New York and South Jersey service areas.
The program is for homeowners, businesses and seasonal visitors, to provide customers with the information on how they can best preserve resources. The program will focus on Evapotranspiration (ET), which is a measure of water loss from soil through evaporation and moisture loss from plant life through transpiration.
“SUEZ is pleased to offer this ET program as a courtesy to residents during the summer when outdoor watering can account for a 50 percent increase in water usage,” said Jim Mastrokalos, Director of Operations. “Lawns are often over-watered, resulting in unnecessarily higher water bills for our customers and the wasting of precious, treated water.”
You can find the daily ET calculation on the SUEZ website at mysuezwater.com/trgreenlawns. Enter your zip code on this site to see how long you should water your lawn in order to keep turf and garden areas to stay green and healthy. This information helps customers to same time, save money and conserve a precious natural resource.
Customers are also invited to register for a daily opt-in message, to have daily lawn watering data delivered directly to their e-mail inboxes or telephones.
Alongside the Office of the State Climatologist at Rutgers University, SUEZ calculates the ET index by using air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed from specific SUEZ regional weather stations in service areas.
“Rutgers is delighted that SUEZ, again, has selected our technical team to provide the Company’s customers with the most accurate weather data for its 2018 lawn watering program,” said David Robinson, NJ State Climatologist. “Our primary responsibility is to collect environmental climate data, observe climate variables from official government and private observation stations, and deliver the best information for efficient use of water for lawns within the specific SUEZ delivery areas.”